Baby Sign Language for Siblings

Baby Sign Language is an increasingly popular tool for early communication for babies in the age group of 4 months to 30 months. It is usually based on keyword signing, where simple gestures are used to convey the meaning of a word to the baby who is not yet able to speak that word. These gestures are generally the same in all sign languages around the world as the keywords used in this early age group are very common ones such as milk, more, eat and drink.

Some people who do not recognize the long term benefits of signing with their hearing babies may be excused for thinking that Baby Sign Language is a fad or the latest passing trend in modern parenting. Many don’t realize however that the benefits of Baby Sign Language are supported by over 30 years of research. These benefits include earlier communication, reduced frustration, increased language comprehension and further opportunities for bonding between parent and baby. As a mother of two, one of the greatest benefits that I am finding is that the children are given an opportunity to use Baby Sign Language to communicate with each other before the youngest would normally be afforded the opportunity to be heard.

Baby Sign Language should only be used to compliment the speech development of the baby, therefore it should not become the dominant focus, and rather it should be seen as a natural gesture that goes ‘hand in hand’ so to speak with the spoken word. When used in this natural way it is easily picked up on by the older siblings as Baby Sign Language gestures are present in the house on a routine basis. Older siblings see the opportunity present itself to join in and use these gestures to communicate with their younger siblings.

There are several scenarios for the use of Baby Sign Language between the siblings. Each dynamic would differ depending on the age gap between the children and whether the older child had been taught Baby Sign Language in their early development as well. If the age gap between children were slight and both children had been taught Baby Sign Language the situation would be quite natural, where baby signs were used with both children and in some cases between themselves depending on age. This additional communication tool could be of tremendous benefit in the sibling’s interactions with each other in this scenario.

In our scenario, there is quite a substantial age difference between the children, Liam our eldest son is 6 years old and Scarlette is our 7 month old baby girl. We are introducing Baby Sign Language to Scarlette and have been signing to her consistently for a couple of months now. Liam has easily picked up on the Baby Sign Language gestures and is joining in where appropriate with much enthusiasm. He uses the Baby Sign Language signs for milk, brother, Mom, Dad and more with Scarlette and I am sure the continuity of seeing all three of her closest loved ones using the same gestures will certainly help her understanding. At 7 months it is quite amazing to see her level of understanding with signs such as milk, where she literally goes into a flapping frenzy when we sign to her. It is so obvious that we have made a connection and I believe she is much calmer knowing that we are going to meet her needs.

Baby Sign Language between Siblings can reduce Sibling Rivalry

Baby Sign Language between Siblings can reduce Sibling Rivalry

It is early days using Baby Sign Language with Scarlette but we are already realizing some of the benefits. The use of Baby Sign Language between the siblings will also be of great benefit as she grows and develops as it will allow both siblings a means of communication and will hopefully dispel some of the frustrations usually felt with sibling rivalry. They already have such a close bond that sometimes I think I could just step aside and let little Liam take over with his constant mothering; he is such a wonderful big brother and role model.